How to track progress of agile transformation ?

Agile transformation is a policy by which companies opt for the enhancement of human potential in an environment where digital is very imposing. Have you decided to orient your company’s projects in this direction? Find out in this guide how to track the progress of agile transformation.

Associate all collaborators with the project

The first step to take when implementing an agile transformation in your business is educating the people involved. Indeed, this transformation aims to give more value to human relations in society.

It is up to you to teach the strategies and methods to all the players in your company. There are many people who do not wish to abandon old work systems which prove to be harmful to working life. The priority would be to help them simply accept this new form of collaboration and make them understand that they are the main actors.

Operate as a team

The digital transformation promotes the relationships between your employees much more than the dynamism of your services. Thus, to achieve a good result, it is recommended to set up dynamic teams who will use their common ideas to advance your development strategy.

Each of the teams will have different functions, but they must be built so that one depends on the other. This is what makes the relationship between them more fluid.

Prioritize communication

The implementation of the digital transformation requires strong interaction between the various departments of the company. It is important to carry out a campaign aimed at giving back the place to communication in order to facilitate exchanges.

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You need to focus on the direct communication system to allow the actors to better understand each other. Physical contact plays a big role in facilitating collaboration between the different actors in your business. In addition to the use of emails and digital means of communication, we need to allow them much more to come together to give each other feedback on development ideas.

In the same way that employees prioritize communication with each other, it is important that they involve the end-users of their goods and services, that is, the customers of the company. That said, regular meetings should be scheduled to receive their advice and input in order to better orient projects internally.

Practices that should be observed

For a successful implementation of agility in your business, it is important to put an end to the formalist system. Put in place less rigid practices and motivate your employees to follow them, because the goal of agility is to outsource the company’s work system and make other links more active. Thus, the objectives to be achieved will be converted into small projects that will have to be carried out according to a specific plan. This implementation makes it possible to organize the distribution of tasks between each member and facilitate communication between them.

You will therefore have an idea and a global view of the evolution of the project. In addition, since the agile transformation aims to make all employees autonomous and participatory, the various practices to be implemented must be discussed with them.

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