How much do you tip a private shuttle driver ?

When planning a trip, it is important to make the necessary arrangements to make this moment unique. You will need a driver who knows the area to take you to all the places you need to be. A private shuttle driver would be better than a simple taxi in this role. Many people wonder how much tip could be given to this category of driver.

Tip to give to a private shuttle driver

At first glance, it should be noted that the tip issue is relative to each country. Indeed, while some countries such as the United States encourage this practice, tipping is viewed negatively in other countries around the world. However, if you do decide to tip your private shuttle driver, it should be done properly.

First, it is recommended to tip the shuttle driver up to 10% of his fare for the trip. Be aware, however, that it is better to stay within or exceed this rate of 10% of the price. If you have less than this percentage, you might as well not tip the driver. In addition, if beyond his usual services, the private shuttle driver provides you with additional services that are not necessarily within his specifications, you must give him more tips. For going the extra mile, you can reward them up to 20% or more of their rate. With the tip, it is possible to round off the amount to be given to the private shuttle driver, so there is no need to ask for change.

Some tips for getting the best value for money from a private shuttle driver

It is imperative to know how to estimate the quality of the service provided by your private shuttle driver. Since his reward (tip) depends on the quality of his services, it is important to know how to value him. If you tip above the service rendered, you are encouraging the driver to continue in the wrong direction. Likewise, a tip below the quality of the service rendered can frustrate the driver.

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For private shuttle trips without constraints or major problems, you can give the aforementioned 10%. You can donate up to 15% if you find the driver to be very helpful, kind, and sociable. You can go up to 20% when the shuttle driver is helping you, particularly with your luggage and bags. However, when the atmosphere in which the journey is made is deleterious and horrible, you should above all refrain from tipping.

Tipping: when should you give?

If there’s one thing most people agree on, it’s to tip the private shuttle driver. However, many people wonder when to do this to the driver. Tips are generally given at the end of the service rendered. So, when you arrive at your destination, you can decide to make this symbolic gesture. However, you will only tip once you are satisfied with the service provided by the driver. In fact, when the latter has been helpful, the tip will reward him and motivate him to continue on the same path.